Hi, i have similar problems but the errors are different and i not sure if theses errors are criticals, and worts is that i don't have response about theses issues

[Thu Jun 10 20:29:16 2004] (error) [jk_handler_response.c (200)]: Error ajp_process_callback - write failed
[Thu Jun 10 20:29:16 2004] (error) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (416)]: ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3
[Thu Jun 10 20:29:16 2004] (error) [jk_handler_response.c (200)]: Error ajp_process_callback - write failed
[Thu Jun 10 20:29:16 2004] (error) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (416)]: ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3
[Thu Jun 10 20:29:16 2004] (error) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (512)]: ajp13.service() Error forwarding ajp13:localhost:8009 1 0

Carl Olivier wrote:


Could anyone tell me what these error messages mean (I know they indicate
problems connecting to the AJP worker and Tomcat) - but is there a list of
what the status codes etc actually indicate?

[Fri Jun 11 16:18:54 2004] [error] ajp13.service() Error forwarding
ajp13:localhost:8009 1 1
[Fri Jun 11 16:19:32 2004] [error] mod_jk2.handler() Error connecting to
tomcat 120000, status 0



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