Gordon Ross wrote:

The problem, is that I do *NOT* want the webapp available over the non-SSL connection.

In the <VirtualHost> section in Apache 2 where I defined the SSL
VirtualHost, I put a JkUriSet command, but the tomcat apps were still
available over port 80 (non-SSL) - even though there was no other
mention of tomcat elsewhere in the Apache config - or anything in
I had the same problem. Guess the virtual host support is not as good in connection with JkUriSet as we thought.
I also tried to put some Mappings in http vhost only, some only https vhost. But JkUriSet seemed to ignore that.

What do I need to do to only have tomcat apps available over SSL ?
The solution is that you explicitly deny the UriMappings in your http vhost as Apache will block them before mod_jk comes in.
e.g. something like
<Location ...>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All

but check the Apache documentation for details.

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