I see this question posted quite often, but rarely
answers abound.  Is it because this is too complex a
topic to explain in a user group?

I would think it is fairly common, anyone have ideas?


--- Jon Feauto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm certain I am behind the curve on this one, but
> I've been looking around for several days now and
> haven't found the answers I need.
> I'm looking to setup multiple environments for
> Tomcat
> 4x on a single linux server.  One for each developer
> and several others for different versions of test.
> From the mail list archives I've come to understand
> that CATALINA_BASE can be used to configure multiple
> instances.  However, most examples I've seen use
> this
> in coordination with multiple server.xml files.
> I'm hoping there is a trick to this that I'm
> missing. 
> I don't mind the extra configuration as long as that
> is the recommended approach.
> For an installation supporting a linux service, does
> the /etc/init.d/tomcat4 script need to be modified
> to
> set the CATALINA_BASE for each instance started?
> Do I need to use different port numbers to access
> those instances?
> Is the CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib actually "shared"
> across instances or can it be unique to an instance
> according to CATALINA_BASE?
> Is virtual hosting required to support this type of
> environment?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jon
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