Elijah Epifanov wrote:
Silly question:
    Where do I need to store my workers2.properties file if my apache
    isn't contained in one directory?
    /var/conf/apache2 - replacement for ${APACHE2}/conf
    /usr/local/apache2 - Apache2 root

Well, if you're going to re-organize your Apache, then I sugest you follow DEC's logic, which I implement on my Tru64 UNIX, with slight modifications. DEC's "setld" utility can help with creation of symbolic links from OPT areas to system-standard areas, like /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/shlib,...

Separate each of your RPMs into three areas:


In my case, this is /opt/Apache-2.0.49/ - ./sbin/(init.d/apache, rc3.d/S93apache, rc0.d/K01apache, rc2.d/K01apache). The SETLD SCP will automagically create links to these files in /sbin/(init.d,...)

2. USR

For me this is /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.49/* This dir tree holds all files considered read-only from user's view and during normal operations. This is the bulk of the instalation, all executables, libraries, header files and, yes, config files. Why config? Well, it doesn't change *during* Apache's operation, does it?

3. VAR

Here, we place VARiable files, files that can change during normal operation. For me it is in /var/opt/Apache-2.0.49. This dir tree holds logs, proxy cache (in case of PostgreSQL it would hold the database), etc.

For your case, you'd most likely place startup files directly in their expected places, put logs under /var/log/httpd/ and for the rest of the files, well, it's up to you.

I consider "/usr/local" to be for "quick'n'dirty", "just slap it together" type of instalation. Anything else I intend to use for a longer period of time, I package. Having 14 AlphaServers to attend to tought me the value of a cleanly packaged software. Your case might differ.

Linux has /opt area which can be a separate file system. I've seen a couple of /usr/opt instalations. I guess there are no strict rules and it would be most prudent to follow the style imposed by your distro.

[Sun Jun 20 09:02:35 2004] [notice] Apache/2.0.49 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.49
    OpenSSL/0.9.6g mod_jk2/2.0.4 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Jun 20 09:02:35 2004] [error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker
    /tomcat ajp13:localhost:8009

I guess it is not finding this worker, which would mean it is not finding the "workers2.properties" file you mention below. As a note, you could keep all URI mappings in workers2 file... It is just your own personal feeling of what is more stable WORKERS definitions or URI/VHost definitions.



info=JSP Examples

Everything worked ok before I decided to make a clean installation with more
organized tree.

Well, one thing that I do and which might help you...

I keep mod_jk2 in a separate install package dir. At first, I used to copy "workers2.properties" file to Apache's config (SCP script would query "apxs" upon package install). The module loading and global setup was done via config fragment file, as is done by Mandrake - ${APACHE_HOME}/conf/add-on/ holds all such fragments.

So, I added to the JK2.conf this (notice the "config.file"):

<IfDefine HAVE_JK2>
  <IfModule !mod_jk2.c>
    LoadModule jk2_module /usr/opt/Apache_JK2-2.0.4/module/mod_jk2.so

<IfModule mod_jk2.c>
  # Restrict access to JK status handler
  <Location "/jkstatus/">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from Brigitte.ev.co.yu

  # Restrict access to JBoss JMX console
  <Location "/jmx-console/">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

  # Set our (SETLD) location of workers file
  JkSet config.file /usr/opt/Apache_JK2-2.0.4/config/workers2.properties

  # This should go in host settings, be it virtual or global
  # It can also go into "workers2.properties" file in the [uri]
  # sections (a more proper place, IMHO)
  #<Location /path>
  #  JkUriSet    worker  ajp13:unixsock


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