Hello everyone,
I have managed to install tomcat4.1.30, apache2.0.49 and the jk1.2.5
I included inside my server.xml file a new context path so that I can
run my jsp application through my user directories.
Here is what I included:
<Context path="/myuser" docBase="/home/myuser/wwwdocs" debug="0"
reloadable="true" crossContent="true"></Context>
So now, I am able to run under /home/myuser/wwwdocs/test.jsp as follows:
http://my.domain.com:8080/myuser/test.jsp or
The both work ok.
I also have a jsp called list.jsp that uses a bean to connect to an
oracle database. When I run
http://my.domain.com:8080/myuser/admin/list.jsp everything works perfect
and I get an html table with list of my records from my database. But if
I run http://my.domain.com/myuser/admin/list.jsp, then the jsp works,
but I do get my html table but I do not get any records back at all. 
The bean is inside
/home/myuser/wwwdocs/WEB-INF/classes/tools/dbbean.java, while the
list.jsp is only inside /home/myuser/wwwdocs/admin
 Does anyone know what is going on in here?
<!-- Claudia Casas
"Technology does not drive change -- it enables change. " -- >

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