why not use mod_proxy or mod_redirect instead, and a named virtual host in apache,
no compilation needed, the apache modules already come with it


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Samuel V. Green III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "_Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: Apache2 and mod_jk.so

> I've currently have a CMS called Magnolia installed.  Magnolia 1.1 
> comes with Tomcat 4.0 and installs Tomcat during the Magnolia 
> installation.  Magnolia consists of two instances:  Author (for Admin) 
> and Public.
> I'm using Mac OS X (Panther),  and have Magnolia installed and the 
> Author and Public running and can
> access both by;  Author = http://localhost:8081   Public = 
> http://localhost:8082.
> The Public is instance I want to serve via Apache2 from my home server. 
>   I'm trying to understand if
> I have to utilize the mod_jk.so and virtual hosting elements of Apache2 
> and Tomcat and which mod_jk.so do
> I need?  Source?  Binary?
> I downloaded jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.5-src   but,  I don't 
> understand where or how to build?
> I have a domainname.com that I want to point to the Public instance,  I 
> just don't know where to start?
> Samuel.
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