Renaldo VonTeknika wrote:

I don't seem to be able to get tomcat5, apache2, mod_jk2 and mod_userdir working together entirely. Everything works fine for the most part as users can serve jsp pages from their directories and tomcat recognizes each of their contexts. But I cannot get the uri host/~user/servlet/HelloWorld passed to tomcat with 2 wildcards (*).

Here is an example of what the problem is using;

If I try to do what I think should work;

info=UserDir worker=ajp13:localhost:8009

It will not pass to tomcat and I recieve an apache 404 error instead of the servlet defined by the invoker (or a tomcat 404 error if the invoker didn't exist)

If I try;

info=UserDir worker=ajp13:localhost:8009


info=UserDir worker=ajp13:localhost:8009

It has no problem and everything works as it should, but it seems as thou it cannot deal with 2 wildcards if one is trailing the uri

Anybody have any ideas or know what I am doing wrong?


Still having the same issues, does no one know? All I would like to see happen

is have apache coexist with mod_jk2 for ~user/public_html and servlets. Any help would be great.


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