I have a pretty loaded web application where every single page and image are
dinamically created. It seems that my Tomcat cannot serve 50.000+ hits per
hour, at least the way it is configured now.

I guess that the main parameter here is maxProcessors and it is now set to
500. What are the recommended values for that parameter in my situation? I
mean, would 750 or 1000 be too much? What about connectionTimeout? It is
now set to 60000 milliseconds (one minute), the same value as the
corresponding Apache directive Timeout (Apache is used as proxy)

Top on Solaris, where the Tomcat is installed, says that java which runs
Tomcat has cca 550 threads during peak hours, or actually when Tomcat
starts to choke.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Davor Cengija, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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