was apache already running on linux by any remote chance?
did the log say that 80 was already in use?

On 2 Jul 2004, at 00:01, Steve Beaman wrote:

I'm also on Linux,
and when I tried to
mod 8080 to 80 via "vi",
it crashed the server at startup.

I finally gave up, made the mods
on a Windows box, copied to Linux,
and it all worked.

Beats me.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan McCain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 1:50 PM
Subject: Change to Port 80

How do I configure Tomcat to run on port 80 as opposed to 8080? I changed a few parameters in the xml config file, but nothing seemed to have took. OS=SUSE Linux Tomcat=4.x


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