I second that. I am a Senior Java Developer, who is currently getting involved in Internet Security. There are a small number of security products in the market, but I think Tomcat is providing a fuller package than most of them. So if you include a chapter on Security that might enhance the image of Tomcat and open new markets to it.



  "Rodriguez Victor A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am a Technology Consultant (my programming skills are not very high), and
many times the security related task are the less known to the programmers
(how to catch and use a security contexts, safe programming, etc.).

I think that a chapter devoted to security related tasks would be avery good

Víctor A. Rodríguez ( http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
Telefónica de Argentina - http://www.Telefonica.com.ar
Tel. (54-11) 4333-7305 - Fax: (54-11) 4303-5586 int. 1680

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Adam Fowler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: Saturday, March 03, 2001 05:52
> Asunto: Upcoming Tomcat book...
> Hi all,
> I will shortly be writing a book for Sams Publishing in a
> similar format to
> the recently released(and well received) book on Python.
> I currently have the task of writing a proposal for content
> of the book. The
> book's target audience is web developers who will be using
> Tomcat. It will
> be based on Tomcat 4.0, but will also be useful for Tomcat 3.x.
> I am e-mailing this list to ask for serious suggestions for
> sections of the
> book. From installation through configuration to deploying custom
> applications.
> Any help would be appreciated and would benefit everyone as
> this book is
> meant to be for you people.
> If any Tomcat User Group(TUG) members wish to write user
> documentation for
> Tomcat (The 'paths' that have been discussed) then drop me an
> e-mail and
> maybe we can help each other.
> Regards,
> Adam.
> ----
> Adam Fowler
> Second year Computer Science undergraduate
> University of Wales, Aberystwyth
> Carroll College, WI, USA(2000-2001)
> web: http://gucciboy.dyndns.org/aff9
> "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
> ----
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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