See below for my replies

> >     What should we use instead?  Welcome to the front page of JSP
> manual:
> >
> >     <% if( yourmoma ) { %>
> >             Do some things
> >     <% } %>
> >
> >     To me, it seems EASIER than this:
> >
> >     <c:set var="yourmoma" value="<%=yourMomaFromCode%>"/>
> >     <c:if test="${yourmoma}">
> >             Do some things
> >     </c:if>
> >     What happened to the good old idea of using JAVA, with all its
> beautiful
> >features, in the JSPs themselves?
> >     Understandable output?  Do you really think you can find one
> designer who
> >would understand a simple calendar written in tags?  Hell no.  And for
> me,
> >as a programmer, understanding good old java code inside <% %> is MUCH
> >easier than understanding all the tag BS. Besides, old java tags <% %> do
> >very good job of presenting "understandable layout".  <%=%> and ${} are
> >both equally to understand to me.
> A key phrases in that example is "To me, it seems EASIER... And for me, as
> a
> programmer... both equally to understand to me"
> But that is you, a programmer with experience using various programming
> languages.
> Why not use scriplets? Because of the development worlds experiences with
> ASP and CF where pages were riddled with code and vew developers (not
> designers) hard a hard time maitaining these view components.
> View developers in large teams have their respective discipline and it
> becomes more difficult for them to maintain thier tier. JSTL allows them
> to
> use familar syntax and structures from SGML/HTML and all those other
> markup
> languages, hence making it easier for them to "display" data, not
> processing
> it. Or would a company rather employ a perfectly good server side
> developer
> writing view code? If they have no usability skills it will be a waist of
> the company resources.

        The key phrase is "display data, not processing it", which is what I agree 
with.  However, that's not what JSTL agrees with.  Tags like c:if and c:foreach shift 
XML from data to logic, which is NOT what XML is for.  Didn't I say that before?

> >But you're missing the point, again:  the (major) reason JavaScript is
> >server-side, is because of its sloppy syntax which is like a warm oven
> for
> >bacteria - bugs just GROW in it.  EL is making the same mistake over
> again.
> Valid point for JavaScript, but again treat JSTL-EL as a view helper
> component not as a pure processing solution. Also did not mean to mention
> EJB it had no place in this arguement.
> >     That's one of the things that EL might be actually useful for:
> printing
> >stuff out and escaping XML.
> Exactly...

        But again, you're forgetting that taglibs actually FORCES you not to use <% %> 
code inside tags (when you make tag files).  And tags like c:if and c:foreach have no 
place in this world, I think we have a consensus on this.

> >But still, what if TModel might return a null value?  Then you're in for
> a
> >nice 2 hour debugging ride with your EL syntax, or a 5 second adding if
> >statement ride, if you used Java.
> The null values should be handled in the Model or in a heavy Controller...
> if those values are missing or a failure occurs send them to the
> appropriate
> view.

        There are a lot of java classes that return nulls as part of normal operation. 
 For instance - sets.  Set.get(someobj) returns null if object is not there.  And when 
you do ${my.set.blah.wee} and "blah" wasn't found, and you get some crazy EL error, 
you'll remember my words.

> >     <% if( yourmoma ) { %>
> Lets leave "yourmoma" out of this... lol
> Cheers!
> Mr. Ariel S. Valentin
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