I've installed Tomcat 4.0, blackdown 1.4 JDK and Apache 1.3 on my debian
server (using deb packages) and managed to configure it to a point where
basically everything works fine - however, there seems to be something
weirdly broken with the manager thing. 

http://mytomcat/manager/        returns FAIL - Unknown command / <-- as it

http://mytomcat/manager/list    returns :
OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost

Which is correct too. If, however, I try this: 


I get "FAIL - Unknown command /html"

Which is clearly not what it's supposed to say. I can't find anything in any
error logs, and I'm really quite baffled. All the example jsp stuff works
fine, it's looking like it's all configured fine, it's just the html based
interface for management... Doesn't exist? I'm lost. If anyone can point me
in the right direction it'd be greatly appreciated :)

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