Reading your article more thoroughly, I am a bit confused on a number of

1. Why am I seemingly editing Apache's Makefile (I assume from the directory
you have given) and not mod_jk2? Does the apxs command read that file?

2. I checked Apache's make file and it has no reference to JK_LDFLAGS.

3. How do you actually know which apu-config? I have found 2 under /usr path
I assume the top one ??



-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan McConigley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 July 2004 08:22
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: mod_jk2 ./configure problem/query

At 06:41 AM 5/07/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>I read your article before posting that question but I didn't realise it
>applied to my situation. Were you getting that error message when you ran
>./configure ??

         I did for a while.  Then I found out the one in my path was the
wrong version of apr-config.  I had one in /usr/bin for memory and the
other in /usr/local/apache/bin (the directory where I had installed
Apache).  I think at the time I went in and modified the config file and
told it don't bother looking for it, which worked, but then later I blew
that directory away and restarted everything from scratch.  Interestingly
the second time around it seemed to work fine...  Which probably doesn't
help you any.


           Ryan McConigley - Systems Administrator                  _.-,
      Computer Science   University of Western Australia        .--'  '-._
        Tel: (+61 8) 6488 7082 - Fax: (+61 8) 6488 1089       _/`-  _
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -  '----'._`.----. \
  "You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me"

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