Hello everyone, we're running Tomcat 4.1.27 and my conf/web.xml has a
session-timeout of 30, which I understand should override the default 20
minutes.  I'm wondering if it actually does, because I see here that
someone is saying there's a bug in Tomcat 4 so that sessions always time
out after 20 minutes:

My main question is how Tomcat reacts if more and more sessions are
opened such that the memory allocated to the JVM gets close to the
max--does Tomcat crash/restart, or should it begin expiring the oldest
sessions in order to recover memory (even though they might be younger
than 20 minutes or whatever the timeout value is)?  

As for our issue with connection timeouts, we recently bumped it up to
120000 in order to make sure large file uploads don't fail (usually less
than 1 MB and often less than 500 KB), but I'm wondering if that's a bit
excessive even for users on dial-up connections...

Thanks for your help,

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