
This depends a lot on your environment.

I am running 3 virtual hosts on this machine.  I have used the following
documentation in setting up a manager application for each virtual host.


In particular, I use the following solution:

Install the manager.xml context configuration file in the
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname] folder.

For example, my CATALINA_HOME is /home/tomcat, and the [enginname] is
Catalina.  I have multiple hosts (localhost lvh1, lvh2), so I have three
subdirectories (/home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost,
/home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/lvh1, /home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/lvh2).

In each of these subdirectories, I have a copy of balancer.xml,
manager.xml, and ROOT.xml.  In the localhost subdirectory I also have a
copy of admin.xml.

Right now I authenticate against a single user database, but I suppose
that I could change that on a per virtual host basis by editing the
manager.xml file.  That way each virtual host could have a different
manager . . . .

That should be enough to get you started.

just my two cents . . . .

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