I searched the net and also the tomcat-list archives but couldn't find any help. That is what lead me here...

I'm quite new to Tomcat and Java. I'm using Tomcat 3.3.2 and Java 1.4.2 under Linux.

I have the following problem:

I have an application that reads from a mysql database and an openldap sever. There are two classes for navigation and then my htmlgenerator class generates all the output while the ldap and mysql class retrieve all the information necessary.

My problem is that as soon as two clients are accessing the tomcat server simultaniously, the output is sometimes "split up" between the clients. In that case, one client lacks page content, which the other one will receive instead. So the first has too few lines on his page and the other one has additional lines that were not ment for him.

I know that it is quite hard to tell without the source code, but does anyone have a slight idea what could be the cause for this?


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