On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 06:49:51PM +0000, Michael Tang wrote:
: I am using Tomcat 4.0.6 and our customer ran into a weird and 
: hard-to-reproduce problem. From the log, we see within one servlet, 
: HttpServletRequest.getRemoteHost return host name (enableLookups="true" in 
: server.xml). However, during the running, one HttpProcessor thread suddenly 
: switch to returning IP address instead of the hostname. Does anyone see 
: similar problem before or have any suggestion?

Is the macine otherwise (that is, outside of Tomcat) able to perform a
reverse lookup of the IP?  Because if the reverse lookup fails, Tomcat
will just log the IP.

Otherwise, if it's a true Tomcat bug, it's unlikely it will be fixed in
an official release: v4.0.x is now two revisions behind the current
version (5.0.x).



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