Debian is a Linux distribution.  Debian Woody is the stable version, and
Debian/testing is, well, in a testing state.

As you can see from my email, I haven't been able to successfully forward
all requests.  I was hoping it would be as simple as outlined in the HOWTO,
but, as with everything, that was not the case.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tonte Pouncil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: July 13, 2004 9:55 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: mod_jk2, apache and index.jsp
> Sergei, Ian, and Anybody else:
> Hello, I am trying to do the same thing, which is to have 
> Apcache 2.0.49 forward all jsp and servlet request to Tomcat 
> 5.0.25 on a windows box.  Have you or anyone else been able 
> to get this to work successfully?   What is debian/testing?  
> And what is Debian Woody system?
> Regards,
> Tonté
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sergei Genchev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 4:49 PM
> Subject: mod_jk2, apache and index.jsp
>  Hi,
>  I have Apache 2.0.49/Tomcat 5.0.25/mod_jk 2.04 on debian/testing
>  My setup Works Mostly(TM), i.e if I go to 
> http://myserver.mydomain.tld/index.jsp, Apache calls Tomcat 
> and everything works fine. If I just go to 
> http://myserver.mydomain.tld AND there is an index.html file 
> in the webroot directory, index.html gets served instead.
>  Relevant entries in httpd.conf:
>  DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html
>  ...
>  <LocationMatch "/*.jsp">
>         JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009 </LocationMatch>
>  If I remove index.html from DirectoryIndex and leave just 
> index.jsp there - works fine  If I remove <LocationMatch 
> "/*.jsp"> entry - index.jsp gets served even if there is 
> index.html present - it does not get passed to tomcat, so it 
> is just served as a text file - but still served.
>  I did strace on apache and I can see that, if *.jsp is 
> mapped to ajp13,  apache looks for index.html first even 
> though index.jsp is the first file in DirectoryIndex 
> directive. If I add more index files, i.e  DirectoryIndex 
> index.jsp index.html yyy.zzz xxx.yyy apache would look for 
> all of these files before giving up and serving index.jsp - 
> provided it did not find any of the other index files. If 
> there is xxx.yyy, it will get served instead.
>  If *.jsp is not mapped to ajp13, apache looks for index.jsp 
> first, like it supposed to and if there is one does not look 
> further for other index files.
>  If I do not load mod_jk at all, apache would also look for 
> index.jsp first and serve it if found  - obviously as a text file.
>  Unfortunately, I have to have both index.jsp and index.html 
> as index files and I need index.jsp to have precedence - our 
> web developers jump back and forth between those tho.
>  The same setup worked fine with apache 
> 1.3.27/mod_jk/tomcat2.something
>  The questions I have are:
>  - Who's at fault here - Apache or mod_jk?
>  - And, more importantly - how do I make index.jsp work as 
> default index file even if index.html is present?
>  Thanks a lot!
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