> Is there currently a way of replicating session information across
> multiple tomcat nodes without multicasting?  If not, has any extended
> the Tomcat API to support this?  The reason I ask is because we are
> using a hardware load balancer, and it does not support multi-casting.
> One thought is that we could upgrade our hardware to a load balancer
> that supports this (not sure one even exists), but I'm sure that there
> are other means of performing replication besides multicasting.  Using
> a database as the session persistence layer is one thought.  Direct
> tomcat node to tomcat node in memory session replication is another
> thought.
> Just thought I'd see what ideas/solutions are out there.
> _________________________________
> Jeremy Nix
> Senior Application Developer
> Southwest Financial Services, LTD.
> (513) 621-6699 x1158
> www.sfsltd.com

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