Hello everyone!

Last time mailed I Had problems with 
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2-src-current.tar.gz, and I still have.

I told you I found out that there ist a ':' too much in Makefile.in for the connector.
I removed it, and then make works little better, but ends up with followig error:
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `mod_jk.lo'

I did a 
-->     # ls -la
 in /jk/native/apache-1.3/, and got following line:
-->     -rw-r--r--   1 root     other        214 Jul 22 12:46 mod_jk.loT
I had to 
-->     # mv mod_jk.loT mod_jk.lo 
and after redoing 
-->     # make

it works somewhat better until this line (it still works!):
-->     (cd .libs && rm -f mod_jk.la && ln -s ../mod_jk.la mod_jk.la)

but ends again with a different error in the next output lines on screen:
-->     /usr/local/bin/libtool --mode=install cp  `pwd`/mod_jk.so
-->     libtool: install: you must specify a destination
-->     Try `libtool --help --mode=install' for more information.
-->     *** Error code 1
-->     make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `mod_jk.so'
-->     # 

I am doing this compiling on solaris8 SPARC, with Apache 1.3.31, Tomcat 4.1.30 and 
java version 1.4.1_02

So, finally, here is my Question:
Am I Doing sth. wrong, or did the developers just put damaged code on the website?
(I downloaded it several times to reduce the chance of corruting code while 

Did someone have any similar problem, or may it be that I just did make a big mistake?
Thank each one in advance!

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