Hi Saeed
I think this better that you don't put CATALINA_HOME in your environment variables, 
because TOMCAT recognizes that automatically (because this same as Tomcat installation 
dir), plus you can put the JAVA_HOME directly in setclasspath.bat (in bin dir).
In installaton time you must indicate your JAVA_HOME.After that you must don't change 
your JAVA_HOME or create an environment variable for that.

Sayeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam

I do not know much about the Question - so sorry sir/madam as i am new to
this thing.

I do have however question from you.

I start learning JSP and ohter J2EE tools recently.
I buy a book of "Professional JSP 2nd Edition".

Sir i am facing a problem:

I dowload jakarta_tomcat 4.1.30.exe from the website.

I already do have jdk1.3 at my PC ( iam using win98 OS).

Now after installing jakarta_tomcat to a folder "c\apache\tomcat",
I create two environment variables into my Autoexe.bat file as under :

set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3

Now when I Start Tomcat - a DOS base window is opened and remained active
for few seconds and then close automatically. Also i try Startup.bat file at
MS DOS promt, it shows some lines as follows:

Using JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.3
And in the mid also a new DOS base window shows a name 'Java' opened for few
seconds and automatically closed.

Sir/Madam, whats the wrong with the tomcat? coz as per book instructions it
must shows a Catalina named window and remained active till I did not issue
a command Shutdown.

So please guide me what I should do in this connection in detail.

An early reply shall highly bhe appreicated.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hill" 
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: where to put config.xml

> Hi
> can anyone tell me where I should put the config.xml file for a web
> application. IF I put it under META-INF , tomcat doesnt seem to find it.
> it need to be in a WAR file for this to occur ?
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