Hello All,

I would like to know if its possible to subclass the webdav servlet that comes with Tomcat 5.x. We have need of webdav in our application, but need to provide a different JNDI InitialContext then the file system. The thought was we could just override the getResources() method in WebdavServlet to return our own context.

What follows is a description of what we are doing:

It seems there is at least one obstacle to doing this. We would have to move/copy the jar files: servlets-default.jar, servlets-common.jar, and servlets-webdav.jar to the common/lib folder. It seemed when we attempted to move the files to common/lib, all of the default webapps couldn't be loaded as well as some of our application servlets. When we leave the servlets*.jar files in both server/lib and common/lib, an exception is thrown when accessing our servlet:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating servlet class com.test.webdav.XDav

And this is caused by:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet

This seems strange considering the app should have access to the servlets-default.jar now that it is in common. Or is there an issue with libs in both server and common?

Any help is hugely appreciated.


-Mike Wille

Our subclassed servlet (with only test code for the InitialContext):

package com.test.webdav;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;

import org.apache.catalina.servlets.*;

public class XDav extends WebdavServlet  {

        // need to dup this here because these have
        // private access in apaches webdavservlet      
        protected static final String METHOD_HEAD               = "HEAD";
        protected static final String METHOD_PROPFIND   = "PROPFIND";
        protected static final String METHOD_PROPPATCH  = "PROPPATCH";
        protected static final String METHOD_MKCOL              = "MKCOL";
        protected static final String METHOD_COPY               = "COPY";
        protected static final String METHOD_MOVE               = "MOVE";
        protected static final String METHOD_LOCK               = "LOCK";
        protected static final String METHOD_UNLOCK             = "UNLOCK";
        protected Logger logger;

        public void init (ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
                // wake your parents

public void destroy() {
// kill your parents

* Get resources. This method will try to retrieve the resources through
* JNDI first, then in the servlet context if JNDI has failed (it could be
* disabled). It will return null.
* @return A JNDI DirContext, or null.
protected DirContext getResources() {

                InitialDirContext result = null;

                // Try the servlet context
                try {
                        //result = new IntitialLibraryContext();
                        result.bind("directory 1", "directory 1");
                        result.bind("directory 2", "directory 2");
                        result.bind("directory 3", "directory 3");
                        result.bind("directory 4", "directory 4");
                        result.bind("directory 3/subdirectory 5", "subdirectory 5");
                } catch(Exception e) {
                return result;


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