On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 04:52:18AM -0500, Keith Bottner wrote:
: 1] After my web application has been running for some time then access to
: /domain/manager/html never responds. It doesn't give me any kind of error,
: the browser just continues to process the request without ever timing out.
: Any ideas?

A couple.  A situation as generic as, "never responds" gets generic
1/ Check a thread dump of the JVM (search the archives if you don't know
how), see whether something's deadlocked.  Slim chance, but worth a

2/ Check memory usage and GC, perhaps use a profiler.  GC can make an
app appear several shades of unresponsive.

3/ check the logs

: 2] Tomcat manager does NOT delete my .war file on undeploy,

I don't know about this one, so I'll leave it for someone who does.



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