Hello Everyone,

I am getting an OutOfMemory Exceptions again. I have been running JProbe on
my web application for some time now and have not noticed any memory issues,
as in, memory not being released by the application.

This is what my environment look like:
- The environment is a cluster running on 2 Sun Blade servers running RedHat
9. Clustering is handled by my app and am not using tomcats clustering.
-  Apache 2,  httpd 2.0.49
-  Tomcat 5.0.25
- Java 2 SDK version 1.4.2_04 
- Ant 1.6.1

I modified the server.xml to show the following change advised by one of the
posts on the list.
<Engine className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine" debug="0"
name="Standalone" backgroundProcessorDelay="-1"> 

I also set the JAVA_OPTS to JAVA_OPTS="-Xmn32M -Xmx128M
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:+UseParallelGC". I can change the -Xmx to 256 or
512 but that is not a solution, its just a way of temporarily getting away
from the problem.

I have the following symptons
- I got OutOfMemory Exception today after moving to tomcat 5 a couple of
months ago, but have been noticing some funny memory usage. I was previously
using tomcat 4.1.30 and was getting memory exceptions almost everyday.
- When I shutdown the server and restart it java starts bloated, same size
as when it was shutdown. I have tried this with the application removed but
no difference.

- I have tested the app on windows machine and VMware installations of the
same environment(RedHat 9) and can't duplicate the problems.
- I have used JProbe to monitor memory cleaning in both environments and
have found nothing. 
- I am in the process of getting JProbe installed on the cluster and will be
able to monitor thereafter.

I can use some really good suggestions at this point.

Nandish Rudra
ECI Conference Call Services, LLC

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