On 17 August 2004, dawg fan said:
> I get the following error in apache's error logs while testing tomcat
> under extreme load:
> [Tue Aug 17 14:15:25 2004] [error] channelApr.receive(): Error
> receiving message body -1 11
> [Tue Aug 17 14:15:25 2004] [error] workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error
> reading reply
> [Tue Aug 17 14:15:25 2004] [error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply
> recoverable error 120000

I got exactly the same thing, but it didn't require extreme load -- if I
remember correctly, it generally started happening after a handful of
requests (3-5?) had been processed, and after that it happened fairly
regularly -- not every request, but often enough.  This was on a test
server that only I was hitting.

At the time, I google'd for those error messages, and saw that various
people over the last year or two have asked about them, and never saw
any constructive response.  I also asked the question on this list a few
weeks ago, and got no response.

Apparently, either mod_jk2 is unmaintained, or its maintainers do not
read this list.  ;-(  I wonder how to contact them?


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