<c:out value="${param.no_such_thing}"/>
<c:out value="${request.no_such_thing}"/>


Rick Wong wrote:


I have the following JSP fragment:

case 1 = <%=request.getParameter("no_such_thing")%>
case 2 = ${requestScope["no_such_thing"]}

The output of the page is

case 1 = null
case 2 =

Is there any way that Tomcat can be configured to not display the word "null" if the value is null? It is easy to replace the above example in case 1 by case 2, but in my case it is not easy to make such change to my existing code base (which I am migrating from another servlet engine that outputs null as ""). I have pages with the <input type=text> elements displaying the string "null" when there is no default value.

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