
You could access your JBoss hosted EJBs as web services. It's been awhile since I did it,
but as I recall it was pretty straight forward to present an EJB as a web service using JBoss/Axis.
You won't need to secure your web services since the host is on your internal network and
can be prottected from external access.

You'll need WSDL definitions and then can use org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java to generate
Java client code. JBoss provides some assistance for presenting an EJB as a web service,

Direct access to the EJBs would also be possible, with the client code residing in your
perimeter Tomcat server.


Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

I have a Tomcat server running on the perimeter of my network. I am trying to add some EJBs to the architecture to handle some authentication tasks for users. I need this work to be done within the network, so don't want to put JBoss on the perimeter. I want to access my JBoss server from my Tomcat server.

How do I configure Tomcat to talk to JBoss? All links I find online talk about JBoss with Tomcat within it, and I've not found any information on configuring a standalone Tomcat to talk to JBoss. My Tomcat server is 4.1.30 and my JBoss server is 3.2.5.

Any help is appreciated.

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