I recall RHEL 3.0 comes with an NPTL-based 2.4, which will require
setting LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 to disable the NPTL functionality for the
Java process.  That may be it.

I am assuming you mean set this as an environment variable? I will give this a try and see what happens! Thank you for the suggestion!

Well, that did not work. I was using the AJP13 connector. I have changed the private (Tomcat4) instance to use the Coyote connector to see if that makes a difference. It didn't before, and I doubt it will now. :(

This is really becoming frustrating.

At least it is not "hanging" Apache, as in, Apache still responds to *new* requests, it just has 50+ child process tied up waiting for previous Tomcat responses.


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