Is the error happening on the loading of the XML and/or XSLT documents you are loading? I used to use Ultraedit as my text editor, but found it sporadically added invalid characters in the first few characters of the doc which would cause weird exceptions upon loading the document. And I couldn't see the invalid character under Ultraedit, but could under JEdit. As such, I now use JEdit as it always saves my files properly. Might a similar issue be happening in your case?


At 02:38 AM 8/28/2004 -0300, you wrote:
Hello All! Sorry, I am posting this message twice, But I think I have
a problem with my spam-cop.

I've fix this error with XSLT generation. I've copyed xalan.jar from
2jars to 'endorsed' folder of Tomcat and I've created the copy of this folder in
lib of JRE. Thanks to Jacob Kjome for help!!!

Now I have another problem with generation of this page. When I'm trying to pass
the data to servlet it returns this error: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence.

This app worked fine before on old Tomcat4.0.27 and Apache 2.0.46 with mod_jk.

Is this a bug???
I'm running Win 2003, Apache2.0.50+Tomcat5.0.27. I've tryed to run it with JDK
1.5Beta2 then I've installed JDK 1.4.2_05 - without any progress. The only
difference that I have - its when I'm using JDK 1.4.2 its a little slower then
1.5. But its produces the same exception. What should I do??? (the first answer
I have - its "kill myself":)) Seriously - what is it? Xalan, Xerces or what?
I've tryed to use tools, set CLASSPATH to full Xerces and to Tools (in
this case it throws this exeption each time on each request).

The Java console of the browser tells this (and no any errors!):
<--Start quotation:
> documentURL : XSLT.xslt
> In LayerQueryInfo
> LayerID =areas
> propertyName =PropertyFilter
> value =perimeter>207911
> create an Hastable for the layer
> --- Hastable ---{PropertyFilter=perimeter>207911}
> <LayerInfoRequest directOutput="true">
>     <LayerQuery fullEnvelope="false" envelope="false" layerid="areas_geo">
>         <PropertyFilter>perimeter&gt;207911</PropertyFilter>
>     </LayerQuery>
>     <Output>
>         <XSLTInfo>
>             <DocumentURL>XSLT.xslt</DocumentURL>
>         </XSLTInfo>
>     </Output>
> </LayerInfoRequest>
<--End quotation

Here I see the problem when I'm trying to pass the data in <PropertyFilter />
parameter - its converted automatically from "perimeter>207911" to "perimeter&gt;207911". But I
cant tell is that a real problem or not, because I just dont remember how it
worked before - with this converion or not. Technically to make
logical query it should pass the data 'as is' without any changes.

Any suggestions how to fix this???
Or any ideas? Please...

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,
 Eugene                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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