Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: "Chuck Chopp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm still at a loss to explain why this happens on just this one Tomcat

I'd be more inclined to blame the JVM than Tomcat.

I'm wondering if I can back-rev the JVM to v1.3.1 on OpenVMS and still deploy a webapp that was built using JDK v1.4.2. If I'm not using any language features specific to v1.4.2, I would hope that the CLASS and JAR files would be compatible, but I don't know this for certain. I'm using Eclipse v3.0 with the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench v3.8.0 plug-in to do my webapp development on WinXP. Deployment is to be done on Win32 systems, NetWare v6.5 and OpenVMS v7.3-x.

Can you diff the generated index_jsp.java files and see if there are any

I'm in the process of doing that right now. The quick cursory overview didn't show any unpackaged classes, etc..., in the generated Java code for the JSP that won't compile.

What about trying to compile the offending index_jsp.java file manually, so
you can see all the error messages.  You'll have to figure out the
classpath, but it's just a .java file, javac should be able to compile it.
Maybe something interesting is getting masked by the stack traces.

That's what I'm going to do next.

If it really is Tomcat causing the problem, you should be able to replace
the version they've provided with a newer one. We do it on HP-UX because HP
lags behind providing the latest and greatest Tomcat.  It might take some
configuration, but it's all Java so it _ought_ to run anywhere.

That's what I was hoping to do. I agree, it is all Java so it should be possible to at least drop in the Tomcat v4.1.30 JAR and CLASS files. I'm concerned about the posibility that platform-specific modifications may have been made to the Tomcat Java source files before the JAR and CLASS files were built for use on OpenVMS. I understand that all of the command shell scripts, etc..., must be preserved for the OpenVMS distribution as they are the "glue" that allows Tomcat to be started in any particular OS environment.

-- Chuck Chopp

ChuckChopp (at) rtfmcsi (dot) com http://www.rtfmcsi.com

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