IE feels the need to cache the content before saving it to the desired location. You probably have some headers in the response designed to stop caching. You could comment in the RequestDumperValve to confirm this.

Add to your code:

response.setHeader("Pragma", "public");

We saw similar problems for downloads from urls within our security-constraint. They went away when we added this header.



Terry Orechia wrote:
I am having a problem downloading a jpeg file from a tomcat java servlet to Internet Explorer 6.0.  I have changed the file 
extension to "zzz" to force the download prompt.     If I restart tomcat(version 4.1.x), the download works fine the 
first time.  The correct filename "video.zzz" appears on the prompt and I can hit save and it will prompt me as ti 
where I want to save the file.   However, after the first time I get a download prompt with an incorrect filename (the 
filename is the http query request).  If I select "save",then  it does not prompt for a location to save and I 
immediately get error "Internet explorer was not able to open the requested site".     Is there something else that 
needs to be set in the http header?

Here is the piece of the java servlet that is issueing the download:



String size=Integer.toString((int)file.length());


try {

    out = response.getWriter();

    // transfer the file byte-by-byte to the response object

    File fileToDownload = new File("c:\video.zzz");

    FileInputStream fileInputStream = newFileInputStream(fileToDownload);

    int i;

        while ((!=-1)






}catch(Exception e) // file IO errors






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