OK, so apparently I am doing a cross context request dispatcher call,
which is bad.  So I shouldn't do that.  Assuming my app is under
c:\jakarta\webapps\ChargeCard (context is /ChargeCard), that means my
servlets should be under
c:\jakarta\webapps\ChargeCard\WEB-INF\classes, correct?  If that is
the case, how do I get my pages to invoke my servlets?  To date I have
been putting my servlets in c:\jakarta\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes,
and invoking them with /servlet/com.gcc.creditcard.DoLogin.  Now that
my classes are under /ChargeCard, invoking them with
/servlet/com.gcc.creditcard.DoLogin says that they're not found, and
likewise with just com.gcc.creditcard/DoLogin.  I'm sure their's a
very simple answer found somewhere I just don't know where to look, so
if you feel like making me work to get the answer feel free to just
point out the resource I should be viewing (I can't find anything in
the tomcat docs).



On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:17:07 -0400, Shapira, Yoav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, Xeth is the best name I've seen in a long time -- cool!
> >I have a bizarre issue.  Using Tomcat 5.0.12, I have an application in
> >the directory C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps called ChargeCard.
> >After loggin in, I am trying to forward a request to jsp page in that
> >directory.  However, RequestDispatcher apparently uses the directory
> >C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps\ROOT as the Document root, so I need
> >to go up a directory in my forward request (something like url =
> >"../ChargeCard/index.jsp";)  However, RequestDispatcher requires a /
> >to start off the url, so I can't use the ../ start to go up a
> >directory.  Does anyone have an idea how I would do this?  I tried url
> >= "/../ChargeCard/index.jsp";, but that results in a
> >NullPointerException being thrown.  All help is appreciated!
> The RequestDispatcher's behavior is constrained by the Servlet
> Specification.  Its JavaDoc has an explanation on how it resolves
> relative links: the leading slash for the getRequestDispatcher call is
> not really absolute, it's relative to the webapp's docBase.
> There's no reason Tomcat would use ROOT as the docBase, unless you're
> actually in the root webapp.  What is the docBase for your webapp?
> (Hint: it's not c:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps, it's a subdirectory
> under it, unless you've explicitly defined a Context with the webapp
> docBase) (in which case, if you kept the default Host appBase, you have
> a bad configuration).
> Yoav
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Xeth Waxman

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