On Saturday 18 September 2004 16:42, John Villar wrote:
> What's your tomcat version? could you post your server.xml file to see
> if there's something wrong? i'm using virtual hosts with default apps on
> tomcat 5.0.18 and used the configuration i told you, and works pretty
> well......


      <Host name="edbg.fr" debug = "0" appBase="webapps/eros" 
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

            <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                    directory="logs"  prefix="eros-" suffix=".log" />

            <Context path = ""  docBase = "edbg.war" debug = "0" 
                     override = "true"  reloadable="true"
                     useNaming = "false" swallowOutput = "true" >

Jean-Paul Le Fèvre  * Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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