On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 12:58:05PM +0200, SH Solutions wrote:
[post trimmed for archive's sake]
: So my problem is, that inter-domain-links by default loose their session. Is
: is a problem.
: Now, I have special links, that lead to a servlet that puts every attribute
: of the local session into a hashmap and jumps to another special servlet on
: the other domain, which itself copies attributes from the hashmap back to
: the new session.
: So I am searching a way to link to a KNOWN session instead if creating a new
: one.
: Is there a way for this?

If I understand your setup, you could look into Single Sign-On.  Tomcat
has a special Valve for this.  Search the docs/archives for details.

If that doesn't work for you -- granted, there are some limitations --
you could use a shared database for intra-app data sharing. This is
similar to your HashMap but lets the various domains live in physically
different processes/servers.

The shared DB has fewer app-level requirements than single sign-on, but
still presents its own set of potential problems (performance,
coordination, DB availability, etc.)




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