I'm currently trying to deploy tomcat and we're having a problem with
tomcat appearing to hang.  Here's the environment:


Apache 1.3.19


Tomcat 5.0.27


We have 5 apache servers, connecting to 2 tomcat workers via mod_jk.
These tomcat workers are load balanced via JK, and we've clustered the
two instances.  What we're seeing is the environment work for about 5
minutes. During that time, the number of open connections to either
tomcat instance steadily increases to 250+.  When we reach that
threshold, mod_jk log starts to report the following errors for both


[Fri Sep 10 16:43:00 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1024)]: Error connecting
to the Tomcat process.

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:00 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1468)]: sending request to
tomcat failed in send loop. err=1

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:21 2004]  [jk_connect.c (188)]: jk_open_socket,
connect() failed errno = 145

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:21 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (720)]: Error connecting to
tomcat. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong
host/port (xx.xx.xx.xx:8030). Failed errno = 145

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:21 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1024)]: Error connecting
to the Tomcat process.

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:21 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1468)]: sending request to
tomcat failed in send loop. err=2

[Fri Sep 10 16:43:21 2004]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1477)]: Error connecting
to tomcat. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong
port. worker=worker1 failed errno = 145


The tomcat servers (worker1, worker2) are both up, and listening on port
8030 but at this point, the application appears to hang.  My questions


1)      Should there be this many open connections?  Is having this many
connections open create problems communicating with tomcat?

2)      Is this a known issue? I haven't seen anyone else report the
problem, so I'm assuming no...

3)      Is this a tomcat performance issue?  What are the performance
limitations of tomcat?  Or am I barking up the wrong tree in thinking
this is a tomcat performance issue?




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