On Fri, September 24, 2004 10:44, Stephan Paukner said:
> We are using a (J2EE-based) CMS, where clients have their sites as
> subdirectories under .../webapps, i.e. a single webapp means a single
> virtual host.
> On our older server (Suse 8.0) they were deployed using mod_webapp, the
> Apache VirtualHosts each had a line like 'WebAppDeploy abc tomcat /'
> (tomcat being the name of the WebAppConnection).
> Now, on Suse 9.0 this doesn't work anymore, as the mod_webapp throws an
> exception, saying that the context root must match the name of the
> webapp, i.e. is expecting lines like 'WebAppDeploy abc tomcat /abc'.
> I already spent so many hours finding out how to deploy these webapps for
> the virtual hosts via "/", and not via "/abc". I found examples using
> <Host>-entries in server.xml combined with lines 'WebAppDeploy . tomcat
> /' in the VirtualHosts, but with about 10 webapps being configured that
> way I got more than 400 java-processes after restarting Apache, which is
> not usable.
> I somewhere read at jakarta.apache.org that mod_webapp is obsolete, so I
> tried with mod_jk, as this seems to be the recommended way with Suse 9.0
> anyway (already activated by default). But still, I somehow only get the
> webapps being deployed as subdirectories ("www.xyz.com/abc/"), and not as
> "www.xyz.com/" only. I tried with different JkMount/Alias/DocumentRoot
> directives, but I didn't get it right.
> So, how do I do it? Any hints would be greatly appreciated!

I finally found out by myself: <Host>-entries in server.xml are really needed for 
this. The examples at 
http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-3.3-doc/mod_jk-howto.html show it the right 
way. I included them below the localhost entry, i.e. into the following section of 

<Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">
    <Host name="localhost" ...>

    <Host name="www.domain.com">
        <Context path="" docBase="/path/to/webapps/client1" debug="0"/>
        <Context path="/cmsapp" docBase="/path/to/webapps/cmsapp" debug="0"/>

The corresponding VirtualHost needs an 'Alias /cmsapp /path/to/webapps/cmsapp' entry 
in addition to also deploy it.

Side note: I also found out that server.xml (and probably all XML-files) doesn't 
accept umlauts, even if they are in comments, as the XML-parser will throw an 
exception, i.e. Tomcat cannot be launched.

Stephan Paukner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GnuPG public key ID: 0xAC6B7700

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