Hi Ross,

  Simply adding an error page will not do. You need to have a servlet
that will set the status of the response-page as "403"

   Look at the code-implementation of Security-Filter. It's good.


Happy Hacking,
Gaurav Vaish

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 09:33:13 -0500, Angelov, Rossen
> Hi,
> We are running our applications on Tomcat 4 and 5. On both versions we are
> having problems with the basic authentication.
> The problem is that I haven't found a way to overwrite the default 401 error
> page with a custom page.
> If I add an error-page element in web.xml for error 401
>        <error-page>
>                <error-code>401</error-code>
>                <location>/err401.html</location>
>        </error-page>
> then the username/password window is completely ignored and the err401.html
> page displayed.
> I searched the archives and different forums but there are a lot of people
> asking for help with similar problems without any responses.
> I found two reported bugs related to that issue: 12194 and 22617 for tomcat
> 3 and 4
> I didn't find any bugs for tomcat 5 but it still not working for me.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ross
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