
Sorry for this thread beeing appended to the above one (about TC 5.5.3).

QM wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 01:56:08PM +0200, Harald Henkel wrote:
> : Jakarta Project announced Tomcat 4.1.31, although it is not downloadable
> : yet (the links still point to 4.1.30).
> I missed the announcement.  Was it declared "available" or "production
> quality?"  It won't appear on the main download page until it reaches
> the latter status.

Well, just take a look at the Jakarta Homepage.
The announcement is from yesterday and it says:

The tomcat team is pleased to announce Tomcat 4.1.31 Stable is now
The announcement continues with links to the real 4.1.31 release notes
and to binary and source download pages which still only show 4.1.30 -
and 5.0.28, 5.0.29 Beta and 5.5.3 Alpha, although I think the Beta
refers to 5.0.29 (while 5.0.28 is stable) while the Alpha refers to
5.5.x meaing that the whole 5.5 is still not in stable/production
quality (5.5.2 Alpha beeing the previous release, no 5.5.2 "Stable") !?

So, what do you mean by "won't appear on the main download page until it
reaches "production quality"" ?

Harald Henkel

Harald Henkel

GS automation GmbH
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