Hi David,

AFAIK there's no such a thing in any servlet container that I've worked with,
but I might be wrong as my experience with Tomcat is quite limited. However,
this wouldn't be a logical option as the same that you say about
unloaded!=tomcat stopping can be said of loaded. AFAIK loaded!=Tomcat just
started but it just means tomcat just loaded the servlet. Thus, if Tomcat
decides to unload/reload your servlet for any reason and then tomcat is stopped
you would end up with multiple initialisations and just one finalisation.
Ummm, I think that with JSDK 2.3 you might try to do what yoy want with the
class ServletContextListener, which is notified when the context is initialised
or destroyed. With JSDK 2.2 I'm not sure how could one verify that everything is
really shutting down before clearing things up. We solved it by using just ONE
servlet which acts as ServletController and who initialises everything when
being loaded and cleans everything when unloaded, but I understand this is not a
general solution.
I'm afraid I can't help you much with JSDK2.2. May be someone out there? ;)

David Wall wrote:

> Is there something like the web.xml's "load on startup" that can be
> triggered when the Tomcat has been requested to shutdown?  I'd like to be
> able to do "global" cleanup in such a situation.
> I know that an unloaded servlet will be called, but it's not true that being
> unloaded means that Tomcat is stopping.
> Thanks,
> David
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