Your folder structure doesn't look right -- no WEB-INF folder. You might want to take a look at the servlet specification or a good book on tomcat. Think of a structure like this:

$CATALINA_HOME (essentially the top of the Tomcat install directory)
- config
- server
- common
- shared
- logs (... you get the idea. These folders are already present)
- webapps
- (folder named after your webapp's context) <-- *top of your code here*
- (some .jsp stuff / static resources)
- classes
- (your classes here in a standard java package hierarchy)
- lib
- (supporting .jar files here)
- web.xml

-- David

Christian Ruediger wrote:

Hi folks,
after trying the complex aproach without any success, I started a
lowtech approach. I simply want a small servlet deployed. Can't be too

What I have:
Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 Server
Win 2000

I constructed the following structure in tomcats webapp folder:

webapp -
  - classes
      - testserveur
          - XML_RPC_Servlet.class
  - libs
  - web.xml

(dont bother the name XML_RPC_Servlet.its for future purposes.
currently only text is displayed -> see code below)

web.xml is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//
DTD WebApplication 2.2//EN"

<web-app xmlns="";

code is as follows:

public class XML_RPC_Servlet extends HttpServlet{

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
out.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hello There!</TITLE>"+
"</HEAD><BODY>Hello There!</BODY></HTML>");
public String getServletInfo()
return "HelloClientServlet 1.0 by Stefan Zeiger";

What i did:
-Started Tomcat (is configured to localhost:8080)
-opened Browser
-typed http://localhost:8080/XML_RPC_Testserveur

- got only a message that the resource is unavailable (in french):

type Rapport d'état
message /XML_RPC_Testserveur
description La ressource demandée (/XML_RPC_Testserveur) n'est pas disponible.

I am searching for a reason of this for nearly a day.
Is there anyone who can help me?

Thanx Christian

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