session.setMaxInactiveInterval is applied to the current session.
If you have different timeouts in pages, the last visited page
with an explicit call to session.setMaxInactiveInterval wins.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kannan V [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 12:22 PM
> Subject: Multiple session timeouts in same web application
>      Can any one please explain the behaviour of session time 
> out with Tomcat ? For example, if I specify a session time 
> out of 30 minutes in web.xml and and then set 
> session.setMaxInactiveInterval to 45 minutes in a page, then 
> will it mean that only the page where I set it as 45 minutes 
> will have a session time out of 45 minutes and all the 
> rest of the pages will be having 30 minutes ? Or will the 
> whole session will have a time out of 45 minutes after 
> accessing the page where I set it as 45 minutes? Again, if I 
> have multiple web applications with different session 
> timeouts specified in respecitve web.xmls and  single sign on 
> enabled, then what will be the behaviuor ? ( Like, I accessed 
> one web app page with timeout 15 min and went to a page in 
> the second web app with timout set to 30 minutes, (all in the 
> same session) then when will the first page will timout- 
> after 15 minutes or after 30 minutes ?)

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