What suggestions do people have for a profiler or a profiler howto?  I would 
prefer something that allows me to simply turn on the Java profiling (-Xprof) 
that I can then analyze later, but will do whatever I need to resolve the 

Thanks for the help and suggestions.


On Tuesday 05 October 2004 4:56 pm, QM wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 02:03:48PM -0700, Kaleb Pederson wrote:
> : We are using a commerical servlet that seems to keep getting overloaded. 
> : We wrote a little script that monitors a number of things about the
> : process - the number of open file descriptors, sockets, java threads,
> : mysql connections, misc. hit types/second and memory sizes.  We turned on
> : -verbose:gc so that we could see the GC.  I then did a tail of the two
> : log files so that I could see the relationship between the two.
> Hello Kaleb,
> This sounds like an opportunity to break out with a profiler.  That will
> pinpoint exactly where methods are being held up, etc.  You've done some
> detective work that points to GC problems, and that may very well be it,
> but a profiler would help you hunt down specifically what's going on.
> For example, a profiler would tell you what count of a given object is
> on the heap at the time the app starts to crawl.
> There are several tunable params with a Java app -- heap size, thread
> stack size, OS-level properties -- but it's often best to start with a
> profiler.
> -QM

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