You haven't answered the main question, which is, exactly what doesn't work? Is there 
an error? Is the redirect ignored? Anything else?

If it is in a JSP, have you enclosed the redirect in <% %>?

I also assume you have spelt it correctly in the code as there is a spelling mistake 
in your example below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pablo Carretero Sánchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 06 October 2004 16:11
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: response.sendRedirect()


I don't test in other Tomcat version.  I'm trying a sendRedirect() in one JSP.
And it doesn't work. The code is:


QM ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) escribió:
> On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 04:38:54PM +0200, Pablo Carretero S?nchez wrote:
> : I have a urgent problem response.sendRedirect() in Tomcat 5.0.27.
> :
> : It doesn't work in my appl.
> What, specifically, doesn't work?
> Did this same code work in a previous version of Tomcat 5.0.x?
> etc, etc.  We're all pretty sharp here, but I don't think any of us are
> clairvoyant. ;)
> -QM
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Pablo Carretero Sánchez

Arquitecto de Software
Pintor Velazquez nº 3 Esc Izq 7º B
28932 &#8211; Móstoles (Madrid)
Movil: +34 699929150

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