Title: RE: 'work' Folder--help??

Tomcat doesn't actually execute JSPs directly.  First, tomcat compiles each JSP into a servlet, then the servlet is run.  The work directory contains the compiled form of the JSPs (i.e., the resulting servlets.)

I'd suggest updating your startup scripts to delete (recursively) the work directory before actually starting tomcat.  Also, make sure in your server.xml, each context you define has


Finally, realize that tomcat only checks the time on the top-most JSP, i.e., the one the browser asked for.  So if you change an include, it won't be detected.  You can dance around that limitation by touching the top-most JSPs if you don't want to restart tomcat.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mick Sullivan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: 'work' Folder--help??

Anyone know what the hell is the 'work' folder for??
Ive been using Tomcat for a couple of months and just today my project is
gone all screwed up and when I make changes to the .JSP pages, they dont
update on the server. I am using tomcat on its own and in the server.xml
file I have the following Context declared

<Context path="/project"
                 trusted="false" >

How come the JSP pages are not relaoding now until i delete the folder
"localhost_8080%2Fproject" in the work folder?
What are the files inside in this folder actually for??, e.g.
Can somebody please help me ion this issue?
Im sure there is a simple answer.
Thanks in advance,
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