I see the code now. Its dead code. At one time - when tomcat was serving resources and the client pressed the stop button - a broken pipe exception would be logged. But since then in other code spots - the non-logging of broken pipe has been implemented.


Steve Kirk wrote:

Someone please correct me if I've got this wrong, but I don't think that the
"try/catch" or "if" constructs achieve anything, so the whole code that
Steffen posted could be replaced with simply:

        serveResource(request, response, true);

(Maybe this is what Steffen was implying?)

So, as I am reading it, if you add "else" instead of "// HERE", it will
change the behaviour of the code, and the IOException will only be rethrown
when the "if" expression evaluates to false (i.e. when the IOException is
not a broken pipe).

So to answer your original question Steffen, I think that either the "else"
is missing, or the whole "try/catch" and "if" clauses are redundant.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday 08 October 2004 11:45
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: DefaultServlet

The else is implicit. The next line throws the IOException so something else down the chain can catch it.


Steffen Heil wrote:


I just read the DefaultServlet code and found in

doGet(...) the following:

       try {
           serveResource(request, response, true);
       } catch( IOException ex ) {
           // we probably have this check somewhere else too.
           if( ex.getMessage() != null
               && ex.getMessage().indexOf("Broken pipe") >= 0 ) {
               // ignore it.
           }          // HERE
           throw ex;

It seems there is a "else" missing ?
Otherwise, it is just NOT ignored the the complete catch

Statement makes no


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