might help. Any experiences with regard to Apache + mod_jk 
+ Tomcat?

Your cooperation is welcome.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Volker Neise 
Süd-Chemie AG, Munich
Corporate Information Management - Internet / Intranet
Tel. ++49-89-5110-428
Fax ++49-89-5110-71428

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2004 15:42
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: Re: Apache 2.0 - mod_proxy, mod_cache - and Tomcat 4.1.29

Have you thought of using something designed for this like Squid?  
Apache httpd is a little heavy duty to just be a caching proxy.


Neise, Volker wrote:

>I am running Apache 2.0 with tomcat 4.1.29. The problem is performance: at the moment 
>requests are going to "Apache A". If the request is a JSP, than the request is 
>handled by Tomcat via mod_jk. Tomcat runs and collects content out of a database and 
>returns this to "Apache A". The time for handling a request is at the upper limit and 
>I want to improve this.
>As most content does not change so often, my idea is to use another Apache for 
>"reverse proxy" and caching. I studied the Apache manual and found out thaz a 
>szenario can look like this:
>(Apache Frontend)        |    (Apache A)                 |        (Tomcat Backend)
>(as proxy and cache)     |    (=Backend)                 |
>                         |                               |
>handles client requests  |                               |
> --------------------- proxy ---> handles forwarded req. |
>                         |                               |
>                         |          ----------------- mod_jk ------ handles jsp
>                         |          -- other pages       |             
> --- caching             |
>I installed this and it works fine - nearly. The proxy works and the cache also. But 
>the Apache Frontend caches only those pages, which are handled by the Apache Backend 
>directly (I find gifs, jpgs, js and so on in the cache-directory). I do NOT find any 
>pages which are handled by the Tomcat. 
>Any idea what is wrong?
>The Apache Frontnend httpd.conf looks like this
>- - snip - -
>       # Reverse Proxy
>       ProxyRequests Off
>       <Proxy *>
>           Order deny,allow
>           Allow from all
>       </Proxy>
>       ProxyPass / http://backend-apache/
>       ProxyPassReverse / http://backend-apache/
>       #mod_cache Directive
>       CacheRoot "/cache"
>       CacheSize 55
>       CacheDefaultExpire 259200
>       CacheMaxExpire 604800
>       CacheEnable disk /
>       CacheDirLevels 5
>       CacheDirLength 3
>       CacheIgnoreCacheControl On
>       CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On
>       CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
>- - snip - -                                                     
>Your cooperation is welcome.
>Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Volker Neise 
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