What are the CLASSPATH and Classloaders used when
attempting to use the Embedded class to get a Tomcat 5
On a regular bundled Tomcat5, the catalina/common/lib,
catalina/server/lib, catalina/common/endorsed are
automatically searched for jars and loads them. 
Furthermore environment variables such as
CATALINA_HOME, JAVA_HOME and others set in
catalina.sh.  How are these handled with Embedded?

"embedded" is not even an option to catalina.sh of
Tomcat 5 anymore?  fyi, I have tomcat 5.0.28. 
Embedded api docs then is wrong as it mentions this
option to catalina.sh

Furthermore, the "-security" option, takes a different
path in the script catalina.sh and one can not use
these features with embedded?  I am just trying to
If one got a code to share how to programmatically use
this Embedded class and deploy a war file, please post
it so we can learn from you.  Please Help.  Thanks.

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