Sorry forgot to add the config files as an attachment .

Attachment: config_file.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

On Oct 25, 2004, at 1:22 PM, pablo wrote:

Hi folks,
I am currently running apache 2.0.52 , mod_jk2, solaris 8 & tomcat 5.0.28 on my servers . I have two apache serves behind an alteon that service my webapps on 4 tomcat servers. I have sticky sessions with a file store set up on my boxes. My filestore is via nfs. All my hosts are on the same subnet. They are mulithomed hosts because I need a back interface for the webapps to talk to the db. But my default routes are all set the same . I have one apache server that hits two tomcat servers and then another apache sever that has two other tomcat servers. Once I start that apache servers everything is fine , for a few hours . After a few hours the tomcat servers start to time out. I can get to the apache index page but as soon as I ask the apache server to make a request to a webapp on the tomcat servers is just sits there and times out. Sometimes the webapp does pop up but very slowly. I have examined the routing tables , I have done traceroutes I have pin pointed my problem down to the application layer. So I must be doing something wrong in my configuration. I checked over my configuration a hundred times and I did it exactly the way the book told me to "professional apache tomcat 5" . This all worked on my testing environment , but it is not working now. I have included a very small tar file that has my config files . If any of you can give me an example of a working config or tell me what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it .


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