
I have a problem trying to authenticate users, whose details are
stored in the LDAP directory through Apache Tomcat. The details of the
software I am using are as follows :

LDAP: OpenLDAP V 2.2.17
Web-Server: Apache-Tomcat V 4.1.30
OS: Suse - Linux

The LDAP directory structure is somewhat like this -
 cn= Manager
    cn=person2 and so on

In the server.xml file (under APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/conf/) I have included
he following piece of code  -

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
connectionPassword="secret" connectionURL="ldap://localhost:389";
roleName="cn" roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})"
userPattern="cn={0},cn=Manager,dn=my-domain,dn=com" />

The folder I have to authenticate is "param_test" and this resides
under "APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/webapps".

The web.xml file under the "param_test" folder contains the following
piece of code  -



I have even copied the jndi.jar, ldap.jar files to
APACHE-TOMCAT-DIR/server/lib directory

When I try to access the link, http://localhost:8089/param_test, it
prompts me for the username and password. When I type in these
parameters as per the entries in the LDAP directory, the pop-up
reappears and this goes on continously. If I cancel this pop-up, HTTP
error 401 is returned. Any guesses where I have gone wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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