You should be aware that IFrames are an IE-only thing. Won't work on any other browser AFAIK.

What did you get when you tried onLoad()? Maybe I can gelp get that working.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Jonathan Wilson wrote:
Just an FYI: I was unable to get the body onLoad() to work properly on both IE5 and Mozilla - forget exactly why but it was supposed to work! Anyway, I instead used an IFRAME (internal frame) which I added to my forms' output stream(the same form the user just clicked submit() on - essentially a reload with new status information updated and a tad-bit-o-extra-output). The little-bit-o-code is below:

<iframe name="thisIFRAME" id="thisIFRAME" src="get_doc?key_id=1668" frameBorder="0" width="0" scrolling="no" height="0"></iframe>

This creates a hidden(I don't want to argue the metaphysical side of this) window which in effect 'clicks' on the link I created. Works far.
I'm not a HTML/Javascript guru so I can't tell you how long this trick will work.

Good luck


Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:

At 12:17 PM 11/1/2004, you wrote:

I am not sure what you are refering to as atypical or robustness...

I meant to say that you could approximate the behavior you were asking for (dual response), but doing so would be hackish.

How do other sites generate files on the fly (take it out of a database, or a report just run), on form submit, and send them down the line and not run into this problem?

Like fzlists said, you'll see most sites load a page in response to a download request which either provides a link which the user can click on to download the binary content (right click, "save as" in IE), or that scripts the browser to automatically begin downloading. This is how CNet, Yahoo, and others do this.

I see many people posting many places on the net that they are using the response to send a file, a lot of them are getting this IllegalState, but I never really found a followup solution that really fit my needs.

Why would the possibility exist to push a file through the response if it leaves you with the ability to go nowhere after?

If your browser submits a request and the response is a mp3 (through either URL inspection or Content-Disposition header), the browser will prompt the user to Save/Open/Run/whatever the file (and won't try to display it). Once the file has been saved, it will leave you at the original page from which the file was requested.

Point being that after you push binary content through the response, it leaves you with whatever the previous page's options were ... there's really no contradiction in doing so.


-----Original Message-----

From: Justin Ruthenbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 2:56 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Response and file downloads


At 11:42 AM 11/1/2004, you wrote:
>I am having a wee problem with using the response.
>I have a form on a page, with a submit button to download a file. That
>file is being pulled from a database and pushed to the response.
>The problem I am having, I just used that response to submit the page,
>so I am getting and IllegalStateException, even though it is still
>pushing the file to the browswer
>I also want to be able to send a redirect after the file is downloaded
>(so I can refresh the page so the form submit page is regenerated, since
>we are using a string to determine unique submits are only coming from
>the pages we generated, and not the browser address bar)
>Can we get a new response from the session variable (the one available
>to jsp writing) to send the file, then get another new response to
>perform a redirect....
>Basically I want to be able to do something like
>the form submits, and passes to the applications perform methods through
>the jsp catching the submit
>response = new Response
>response = new Response
>(yes I know those are not actual methods and classes, just trying to
>explain what I want)

Your understanding of how, exactly, the http protocol works is
incorrect. Because it is a (single) request, (single) response protocol,
what you're asking for cannot be done.

It seems like what you want is for a user to fill out a form, click
submit, then be presented with a new, fresh, form again ... with the file
download on the side. If you have determined that you absolutely want
this behavior (it's atypical, so doing it won't be particularly robust),
consider programmatically opening another browser window on form submit
from which the download will happen ... and reload your form in your
"main" browser window. This will, of course, subject you to any
headaches associated with javascipt window opening.


Justin Ruthenbeck
Lead Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com
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